Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fighting Styles (Melee)

Any good RPG needs to reflect (either accurately or cinematically) what I see as four melee fighting styles.

Two-Handed weapon Fighting (THF)
Single-Handed weapon Fighting (SHF)
"Blade and Board" fighting (BnB)
Two Weapon Fighting (TWF)

In a balanced, cinematic-style game, the styles should work out as follows (assuming equal investment in each style of fighting):

THF should outpace the other styles in damage output.

SHF should be the most accurate, provide more mobility, and possibly outdamage THF against high-armor or incredibly nimble and hard-to-hit targets.

BnB should be the most defensive of the bunch.

TWF should be the least accurate, but otherwise by a hybrid style between damage output, defense, and mobility.

All melee fighting styles should be viable options. It should not come down to one single choice easily outshining all of the others and thus making them all sub-optimal. If one choice becomes obvious over the others, then that is bad game design.

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